Friday, April 27, 2007

Mother's Day Flowers

The flower - a cherished symbol of love, loyalty, gratitude and so many other different emotions - has a special significance for Mother’s Day, too. In 1908, one of the first services in the memory of Anna Jarvis, who created the Mother’s Work Day, was organized in a church in West Virginia. At this service, Anna Jarvis’s daughter, also named Anna, handed out white carnations. White carnations were her mother’s favorite flowers. These flowers assumed a special significance for Mother’s Day when, in 1913, the House of Representatives adopted a resolution with regards to the Mother’s Day. The resolution made it mandatory for the officials of the federal government to wear white carnations on Mother's day. Therefore flowers, white carnations and all, remain significant, to this day, in the celebration of the Mother’s Day.

Gifting flowers is one of the most popular ways of saying ‘I love you and I care’ to your loved ones. Your mother has nurtured you like her most precious flower. It’s time you express your feelings to her by gifting her some beautiful flowers that speak, in their own language, of the degree of love and esteem in which you hold your dear mother. For centuries, flowers have been the more effective carriers of emotions and feelings than the human tongue can ever hope to be. So, let a beautiful bouquet carry the message of love to your mother on Mother’s Day. Like Anna Jarvis’s daughter, you could choose your mother’s favorite flowers. Set in a crystal, a decorative pot or an elegant basket, these flowers will bloom up your mother’s Mother’s Day. A box of candies would be an ideal accompaniment to a beautiful bouquet and is sure to delight your mom.

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